Saturday, June 2, 2007

Hungry for a 30 Minute art project. Ideas?

Ever check out the website You must, if not. Artwork of such power and beauty makes me hungrier to be alive. To Breathe. This is True Artistry. Alchemy. I could only hope that my work shows a degree of this Integrity…. I went briefly in my studio hungry for a 30 minute project. Any ideas? Kinda tough when painting in oil… my art journal is a good option… but I didn’t have that pile of papers and glue ready at hand for a swift kickdown on paper… You wanna see a REAL Art Journal? Check out ( This woman cranks from a creative place superhuman and papayalicious. She is the one who inspired me to emerge from my pain-in-the-butt seriousness into loving myself through art journaling. I burst into tears when she said she was moving from LA and I’m sure I freaked her out! I never told her that just by her Being Who she is, she inspired me to live my art again…that she actually gave , my art back to me after 20 years without her even knowing. I hope she inspires you too. And she is a magnificent woman. Buy her stuff. I do constantly. Anyone you'd like to tell they've inspired you? Time to say goodbye to my old art journal. Time for new juice, and breaking down some barriers. Maybe time to jump out of another plane? I'm ready to really get creative coloring 'outside of the lines' of life. Blow the roof off and burn the doors down. (Maybe start by just kicking the doors down?). All the old journal pages aren’t 'used', but somehow a chapter of my life is closed, and I don’t know what closed it. Maybe the ending of my Practitioner Class. I’m about to embark on a journey taking myself much less seriously. (thank God and FINALLY!) If you catch me being too sincere, call me on it. K?

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