Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meeting Dr. Deepak Choprah and Nobel Peace Prize Microlender, Dr. Muhammad Yunus

This week I had the pleasure of meeting two great Visionaries in person, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Scientist/Spiritualist and Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner for creating Grameen Bank. Best known as the 'Banker to the Poor' he changes the world through Microlending. 80% of Bangladesh's poverty stricken have now borrowed money from Grameen Bank, fully changing the face of the country's economy. If you have an opportunity to discover Chopra or Yunus' work through their books or speaking engagements, do so. The power and light emitting from these people makes me remember and recognize my own power and grace. They inspire me to live my best life, using my business to make a difference. My commitment since the inception of my company, Spirit Capture, LLC is to contribute (at least) 10% of sales to charitable causes. Although this goes against the traditional concept of 'maximizing profits' in capitalism, I believe in taking care of each other. And I believe my company will succeed greatly because of this belief in taking care of each other. After seeing Dr. Choprah and Dr. Yunus, I continue this commitment with more passionate dedication than ever. Three cheers for these heroes. May they continue to support millions in their entrepreneurial quests for a living wage. May they continue to inspire us all to support our own communities. Join me in volunteering your time or resources to causes you love. My work, your work, will be better for it. My Blessings and all my love, Robbi Deepak Chopra: http://www.chopra.com/ Dr. Muhammad Yunus http://www.grameenfoundation.org/?gclid=CPul0ujEj5ECFSGXiQodwG07Ag

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